In a unique fusion of work and play, corporate cooking classes offer a space for people to strengthen relationships, build skills, and have fun. Read more to find out about the endless benefits of this surprisingly effective activity.
Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Have you ever heard of the phrase “do what you love, love what you do?” That gets difficult the minute you are put under high pressure circumstances and put together with coworkers who you don’t know very well. Corporate cooking classes offer a relaxed environment where you can accept this mantra wholeheartedly: in a meaningful mix of working toward a common goal and casual conversation, you are sure to walk into work with an extra pep in your step the next day. This less formal setting may feel jarring at first, but it’s a great way to increase your confidence in the company and therefore increase your work value.
Even if you aren’t a master chef, cooking is something that can reveal a lot about yourself and your coworkers! Maybe you’ll be surprised.
Corporate cooking classes are the definition of team building: after all, these are a group of people who have had to work together for some time. However, maybe the goals feel far-off or discouraging at times. This is where cooking classes come in–with a clear, short-term goal, one that can be achieved by everyone doing their part. While it may seem like a simple model for some projects that immensely outweigh this one, by learning how everyone works, it becomes exponentially easier to coordinate, collaborate, and trust each other when it really matters. Who knew making a dish together could lead to such broad success?
Getting to Know...Everyone!
Now, what about the coworkers that you don’t regularly cross paths with on a regular basis? This is a completely normal phenomenon, especially as there are so many people who are working on different projects. However, getting to meet and chat with a variety of different people can result in a friendlier, more welcoming work environment, as well as one where you know that everyone is ultimately working towards a common goal.
To do this all over a food at a corporate cooking class? A great plus.
It’s a great way to increase your confidence in the company and therefore increase your work value.
Close-Knit Community
Lastly, in terms of speaking about coworker relationships, corporate cooking classes just result in a closer-knit team of individuals. And the data proves just how important this is: time and time again, studies have shown that good coworker relationships are the fuel for success in various different companies. Maybe it’s the sense of community when it comes to working towards a common goal, or just a heightened sense of excitement to come into work, but either way, corporate cooking classes can help you achieve this success in the workplace and in the kitchen.
Unsurprisingly, corporate cooking classes teach a variety of skills that maybe aren’t seen on the resume: communication, creativity, problem-solving, and self-confidence. While this event may be disguised as a simple event to get to know each other, you can actually learn a lot about how to work in a group setting, which directly translates over to your work itself. Whether it’s figuring out what to do when you’re a little short on flour or if you facing some unexpected mishaps, not only do you learn how to deal with these unforeseen situations, but you can also observe the reactions of your coworkers.
Ultimately, understanding each other when it comes to high-stress or uncomfortable situations can avoid misunderstanding and conflict in the future, as well as give you a whole new skillset: building not only your analytical brain but also building your confidence in different circumstances.
Diversity in the Workplace
When food is introduced as a communal experience, as it is in corporate cooking classes, it opens up conversations about culture, society, and taste. In conversations that would never be brought up otherwise, cooking can be a facilitator for diversity, as everyone comes from a different background. Incorporating diversity into the workplace is not only a great practice in group acceptance and uplifting values, but it is also a way to spark meaningful relationships and really take something away from each and every person in the group.
Every individual has something special to show for themselves: it’s up to you to open that door.
Understanding each other when it comes to high-stress or uncomfortable situations can avoid misunderstanding and conflict in the future.
Corporate Cooking Classes with IMPASTIAMO
At IMPASTIAMO, we specifically hold events for corporate cooking classes, and we have the resources to show for it. To see more about our work and what we do, go to our website! We can’t wait to see you soon.